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An aspiring leader whose goal each and every single day is to be a humble servant to the learning community, provide opportunities for students, and engage parents as learning partners.
“My goal each and every single day is to be a humble servant to the learning community, provide opportunities for students, and engage parents as learning partners." This statement serves as a compass for both my day-to-day decision making and road map for my leadership journey.
Leadership Statement: Text
Being a humble servant means I do not need to have all the answers. It does mean that I not only listen to all involved, but to also embrace a willingness to learn alongside as well. Leadership in service of others is powerful as it lessens personal agendas and focuses collective energy onto the task at hand. The rising tide does raise all boats. Success is never a zero sum game. Other people's success does not have to come at my expense, or vice versa. We can all achieve and succeed together. A humble leader also welcomes various roles as the situation dictates. Implementing initiatives, coordinating events or elbow deep (literally) unclogging a toilet, I do what is asked and needed for the greater good. In various teacher-leadership roles such as team leader, head of department or school advisory board member, I have developed a keen awareness of the larger picture and had ample opportunities to contribute to the learning communities I served.
Students, regardless of age, need a breadth of in school and out of school opportunities to engage in year after year. This belief is why I make it a point to engage students every year, whether it is via athletics or in-school/after school activities. Student interests, hobbies and passions should be nurtured within school walls as it allows them to learn alongside peers and teachers. This way, students and parents do not view school as an 8am - 3pm endeavor and promotes school as a balanced learning community for all involved. As the middle school after school enrichment program coordinator, I am constantly on the lookout for new learning opportunities for students - Model United Nations, debate, eSports, ballet, robotics, and ceramics are a sampling of the activities available for students each week. The vast majority of my career has been “in the middle”. As an educator, I thoroughly enjoy this transitional period of our student learners’ lives. A robust and rigorous middle school experience allows students to learn through inquiry, embrace diversity, engage with global issues, think critically, pursue interests and passions, and practice collaboration...all while having FUN!
Parents invest a great deal of time and resources into their child(ren)’s education. They should not be held at arm's length only to be invited onto campus for conferences, activities or to help out at an event. In order to truly embrace the notion of a learning community, parents must be tapped as a resource to learn from and with as well. To not engage parents as learning partners is not only insulting to them, but a missed opportunity for the entire community. Parents should have the opportunity to participate in and witness first hand the exceptional learning taking place each day. Parent-teacher books clubs, parent guest speakers, family open houses are all examples of parent partnerships I have sought out in recent years. Yes, though the pandemic has outright kiboshed or altered the look of some of these events, the intention to involve parents in students’ learning is undeniably evident.
Leadership Statement: Skills
Leadership Statement: Pro Gallery
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